Genre- Thriller, Horror

I stumbled upon a Buzzfeed article that listed 18 books that are so disturbing, people claim to be traumatized by them. While I don’t know if I will commit to reading them all, I’m certainly glad that I gave this one a read.
It’s difficult to give a synopsis without giving anything away, but essentially, it’s about a woman who is contemplating ending her relationship while traveling to meet her boyfriend’s family. It’s a short read (224 pages), which I believe is because it’s the type of book that you are meant to read twice (I did not). The reviews on goodreads are pretty polarizing and I happen to be on the side of those who absolutely loved it.
The beginning wasn’t great. In fact, the author took me on one of the most boring car rides in history. However, once the story picked up, I could not stop reading. I was completely immersed and read it in one sitting while shaking my leg the entire time. I felt uncomfortable and anxious, and could not identify why. I know this doesn’t really sound like a selling point, but if this is your type of thing, you’ll get why I loved it. I think the best way to describe this book is psychological torture….but, you know, fun psychological torture. I put it down and wanted to cry and watch a Disney movie. Then, I looked at message boards that discussed the ending because it’s extremely confusing.
It should be noted that I also thought about this book for days after I read it. I even found a way to not-so-subtly work it into conversation so that I could recommend it (“Merry Christmas Aunt Sue! Have you read I’m Thinking of Ending Things?”). Also, it’s going to be on Netflix!
Official Rating:
-1=No +1=Yes 0=Kind of
- Was the book interesting? Yes (1)
- Was it easy to finish (even if I didn’t like it)? Yes (1)
- Was it emotionally engaging? Yes (1)
- Was it memorable? Yes, I thought about this for days after I read it (1)
- Would I read it again? Yes, yes, yes (1)
5/5 stars la-la-loved it!
*If you click on the “Rating Scale” page at the top, you will have a better idea as to how I will be rating books on this blog.