Today marks the 6th day since I have gone to work or seen anyone aside from my boyfriend. Needless to say, it’s been a weird experience. I’m not typically someone who is out at all hours, but I definitely hit a point where I start to lose my mind if I don’t get out and at least make a Target run or sit in a coffee shop. I think I’m reaching that point, and who knows how much longer this will last (15 days if you listen to el presidente, which um, absolutely no one should do).
I have been reading a lot, but nothing that’s special enough to have it’s own post (I’m also lacking the motivation to create a full review). Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid was very good, but I have honestly forgotten a lot of the story within the week or two that’s gone by. Lolita was tough to get through because it made me uncomfortable, but it was incredibly interesting to read about the thought process of a pedophile. Strangers on a Train was super boring, but my boyfriend had funny annotations written in the margins (for example: “Hey, I just met you, and YOU’RE crazy!”). I’m looking forward to reading something that really catches my interest, since I’m gearing up to be very bored for a long while.
I had a virtual coffee date with one of my friends the other day. I would highly recommend doing this. It’s a good way to fight off the boredom and try to maintain a sense of normalcy in terms of socialization. I also face-timed with my friend’s two year old multiple times last week, so I guess my social circle is changing a bit during this pandemic.
Anyway, there isn’t much of a point to this post. However, I will leave you with this:
Don’t be a meanie, self-quarantinie….slow down the rate and self-isolate (just some lines from my upcoming, social distancing rap).