Upon looking back at my previous goodreads reviews, I’ve come to realize that I do not have a standard or consistent measure of what I consider to be a good book. I’m thinking the following system will work out a lot better than my current lack of one.
5 Key Components That I Look For:
0=No 1=Yes .5 =Kind of
- Was the book interesting?
- Was it easy to finish (even if I didn’t like it)?
- Was it emotionally engaging?
- Was it memorable?
- Would I read it again?
The numbers will be added to create an overall score from 0 to 5 stars.

For coffee shops I will be using a similar system
5 Key Components That I Look For:
0=No 1=Yes .5=Kind of
- Does it have unique or “fun” drinks?
- Are the drinks good?
- Is it affordable?
- Does it have interesting decor?
- Would I go there again?