I’ve been sick, which means that I have less patience for CSS and blog editing (silly little me for thinking that writing would be the biggest part of starting a blog).
For some reason, I’ve found Sims 4 expansion pack reviews to be calming in my time of illness. EA is having a birthday sale, and that set off the itch. You know what I’m talking about…that sudden and inexplicable desire to play the game that you haven’t touched in six months. When I get the itch, I usually want to decorate an attractive and colorful house that I soon abandon once said itch has been satisfied.
Before I commit to a pack and fork over my twenty dollars, I like to do my research. I stumbled upon LGR Sims 4 reviews, and I love them. The guy that does them is so funny. I may or may not have had his review playlist on all afternoon…
Anyway, I’m leaning towards getting University or Parenthood (or both?!). I just have to follow through before the sale ends or before I come out of my sick stupor and realize I probably don’t need to buy an expansion pack. Whichever comes first.