I tried to practice some self-care in order to help combat the Sunday scaries and I think that I was pretty successful!
The weather was beautiful, so I took a walk into town with my boyfriend. We stopped in a crystal shop and bought this really cute incense holder (for only 3 dollars!) and an incense stick called, “Shooting Stars.” I’ve never used incense before, but I have some samples that I got in Salem that I am very excited to try out. I think it fits in nicely with my shelf of vaguely witchy items.

After the walk, I started reading a book called, “How to Break Up with Your Phone.” Even though I’m only ten pages in, I’m intrigued. It really is amazing to think that so many of us have addictions to our phones. I’m hoping to become less dependent on social media, so this book seems like it could be a good start.
I’ve also been playing a lot of Animal Crossing. Do you play Animal Crossing? If you don’t, you should. I contemplated getting a Switch for a solid year before I finally bought it, and I am so happy that I did. Josh’s cousin found this bot that allows you to order any item that you want, which has really been helpful with decorating. We just created a spooky themed house for an extra resident, and we are both pretty proud of it.

I think I am going to try and read a little bit before bed or watch something cozy. Bye!